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Canvas Small - "Mandala #2"
Canvas Large - "Dream of Many Colors"
Canvas Large - "London Skyline in Midwinter"
Canvas Large - "Galo"
Canvas Large - "Our Lady of the Light"
Canvas Large - "Autumnal Equinox"
Canvas Large - "A New Year's Dream"
Canvas Small - "Mandala #1"
Canvas Small - "Mandala #3"
Canvas Large - "Something to Crow About"
Canvas Small - "Mandala #4"
Canvas Large - "Borden Flats Lighthouse"
Canvas Large - "Autumn in Central Park"
Canvas Large - "Owl and 3 Crows"
Canvas Large - "A Walk by the River"
Canvas Large - "I'll Drink to That"
Canvas Large - "Cats Wishing on Stars"
Canvas Large - "Puffins at Play"
Canvas Large - "Wings of Thunder-Lightning Eyes"
Canvas Large - "Kokopelli"
Canvas Large - "Seabiscuit"
Canvas Large - "Pelicans on Parade"
Canvas Large - "Francis of Assisi"
Canvas Large - "First Burst of Summer"
Canvas Large - "The Girl for All Seasons"
Canvas Large - "Lighting The Way Home"
Canvas Misc. - "Ice Temple"
Canvas Misc. - "My Secret Garden"
Canvas Misc. - "Facing it Together"
Canvas Misc. - "Life Fire"
Canvas Large - "Afternoon Delight"
Canvas Large - "The Poplars"
Canvas Large - "In My Eyes"
Canvas Small - "Early Fall at the Barn"
Canvas Large - "The King of the Mountain"
Canvas Large - "In Praise of Mother Earth"
Canvas Large - "Went Fishin, Caught a Mermaid"
Canvas Large - "Frida and Friends"
Canvas Large - "Our Lady of Guadalupe"
Canvas Large - "My Wildest Dreams"
Canvas Large - "Feathered Maiden"
Canvas Large - "Priscilla Peacock and her New Wave Gown"
Canvas Large - "The City that Doesn't Sleep"
Canvas Small - "Something on my Mind" -
Canvas Small - "Lost in the Labyrinth"
Canvas Small - "Sun #3"
Canvas Small - "Sun #4"
Canvas Small - "The Early Bird"