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Writer's pictureWhat the Frank?

What is "a local"?

No, I'm not talking about a local anesthetic for those of you trying to figure out some of my attempts at humor. I am also not talking about local as in "Deliverance". I am, however, talking about delivery and my definition of " a local" is someone who lives within 15 to 20 miles of us here in Somerset, MA. to whom I will personally deliver your order from our website. I call that local delivery FEDEX, which stands for Frank's Excellent Delivery Experience. About a month ago, I received an order from another Somerset resident at 7:07 AM and delivered her item slightly under a half hour later (Beat that, Amazon). Of course she only lived 7/10 of a mile from us so it might take me a little longer to get to your house. I may be fat, but I'm not Santa Claus.

I have also not yet been unable to find someone's house and left their item at someone elses house hoping that it will be found before the porch pirates happen by or the resident of that house plays finders keepers. I will always call, text or email to set a delivery time when you will be home to accept your delivery or give me instruction on exactly where to leave it.

Next item: Blog posts

I read that blog posts have a positive effect on driving traffic to a website so I am going to make a better effort to post to this blog more frequently. I don't believe a lot of what I read but this sounds logical. In my research last night, I read that the best days to post to a blog are Tuesday and Wednesday between 9AM and noon. Unfortunately, I got bogged down writing this week's newsletter this morning so this first attempt is already getting posted late. By the way, if you don't already receive our weekly newsletter, you can sign up at the homepage of this website. It won't cost you anything and might save you a few bucks when we have an occasional surprise sale only for our newsletter subscribers. You might also get a few chuckles since one of my goals is to bring a smile to the face of our friends and customers. It's not ALL about making the sale, although a few more of those wouldn't hurt and will allow me to continue to write these literary masterpieces to make folks chuckle or laugh instead of getting into trouble and having to make license plates.

My research also suggested that a blog should have 1500 to 2000 words. I don't want to write a thesis or a novel every week so I will be keeping these short (also partly because I have the attention span of a gold fish).

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